5 Tips for less stress at work - Concreeto, klopt

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5 Tips for less stress at work

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Poor sleep, frequent headaches or back pain? These can be signs of work-related stress. Occasional stress at work is quite normal. This ensures that you stay sharp and achieve your goals. However, when you are experiencing long-term stress, this is unhealthy. Wondering how you can experience less stress at work? We have the best tips for you!

1. Off to a running start

Are you always right on time at work? Or maybe even too late? There is a good chance that you will start your working day rushed. From now on, leave your home fifteen minutes earlier. This way you can start your working day in peace and experience less stress. Additional benefit? You can now enjoy a cup of coffee in peace!

2. An apple a day keeps the stress away

It must have happened to you at some point; you have had such a busy working day that you simply forget to eat. This is obviously not good for you. When you don’t eat enough, your blood sugar drops and you will experience more stress. Drinking coffee or eating sugar can help, but your energy boost is only short-term. So make sure you have a hearty lunch and healthy snacks such as nuts or fruit.

3. Get it out of your head and onto paper

A long list of tasks, errands that still need to be done and an appointment at the dentist that you should not forget. Write it down! When you are busy in your head, you experience more stress. Putting things on paper helps to get them out of your system. This provides an overview and gives peace.

4. More sleep, less stress

A good night’s sleep is important to recharge for your next working day. When you don’t get enough sleep, you are less good at dealing with stressful situations. Therefore, try to sleep at least 8 hours a night. This way you are more energetic during the day and you can better deal with problems and challenges in the workplace.

5. Relax after your busy working day

You know the drill: after a busy day at work, you want to plop down on the couch, but the laundry doesn’t wash by itself and you also have to put food on the table. Before you know it, your evening is over and you haven’t had any time to relax at all. But relaxation is essential to get away from work! Wondering what’s the best way to do so? Read here about our 5 way to relax after work. 

Are you unable to reduce your stress by yourself or do you prefer to work elsewhere because of the workload? At Concreeto we are happy to help you! We always offer you a contact person who is always there for you.

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