Topper of Concreeto: Emilian - Concreeto, klopt

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Topper of Concreeto: Emilian

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Achtergrond afbeelding van een Concreeto medewerker



We are proud of our temporary workers! That is why we would like to show you who they are and what they do.

In this first edition of ‘Topper of Concreeto’ Emilian Mihailov gives a glimpse into his life. Together with his family he moved to the Netherlands from Romania. Emilian has been working for Concreeto for two years now and feels completely at home. He is a shipbuilder by trade and tells his story in this video:

Want to become a temporary worker at Concreeto? Contact us and introduce yourself. Concreeto is happy to help you find your dream job.

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Concreeto found the job that really suits me.

home at concreeto

Housing immigrant workers with the help of Concreeto

Concreeto provides housing within the strict standards of the SNF seal of approval. We like to make our staff feel “at home” so they enjoy going to work every day. We like to give that same feeling to the environment where they live. Do you notice at any time that this feeling is not there or not enough, please contact us.

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3011 PR Rotterdam

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