Annoying jokes, inappropriate questions or unwanted touching. Sexual harassment comes in many forms. It is a problem that unfortunately still occurs in the workplace. In this blog, we explain exactly what it is, how to recognize it and how to deal with it.
Sexual harassment is when someone sexually harasses you when you don’t want them to. This can be done by a colleague, your boss or a customer. Examples are making inappropriate comments, unwanted touching or showing sexual images. There is a thin line between “joking” and “going too far”. Remember that you always decide for yourself where to draw the line, you determine whether behaviour is desirable or undesirable.
There are different forms of sexual harassment. The best-known form is physical. This involves unwanted touching such as caressing, squeezing, kissing or more. Another form is verbal. This happens when someone says weird things about sex or makes comments about your body. Sending sexually tinted messages or asking intimate questions also fall into this category. The last form is non-verbal. This is, for example, making sexually suggestive gestures, showing strange images or winking. In all cases, it is only sexual harassment when you experience it as undesirable.
When you see or experience sexual harassment in the workplace, it is important to take action. There are several things you can do:
- Talk about it. Speak up when it happens. Find someone you trust, such as a colleague, your boss or your contact at Concreeto. Tell them what happened and how it made you feel.
- Write it down. Write down exactly what happened and when. If you want to make a complaint, this information can help you.
- Report it. If you are unable to solve the problem yourself, check the complaints procedure of your organisation. There is often a complaints committee within the organization you work. In addition, you can always reach out to your contact person at Concreeto. Together we will find the best possible solution.
At Concreeto we do our utmost to ensure that you enjoy going to a safe working environment every day. Do you suffer from sexual harassment or see it happening in your workplace? Please contact us. We are happy to help you!