Concreeto team visiting János in Hungary - Concreeto, klopt

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Concreeto team visiting János in Hungary

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Concreeto-team op bezoek bij János in Hongarije



Ever since the start-up of Concreeto, János Hornyik has been a supporting force for our agency from Hungary. Indeed, the collaboration between Martin and János even began before our founding. Yet a large part of our team had never visited his home and workplace in Budapest. The fact that János became a father this year was therefore a good reason for a very special team outing!

The work of János

As the only one of our colleagues, János does not work from the Netherlands, but from his home country Hungary. There he recruits people from the region who want to work in the Netherlands. He talks to them, asks about their wishes and goals and tells them what Concreeto can do for them. He then contacts us in the Netherlands and we will start arranging, for example, housing.

Maternity visit in Hungary

For years this collaboration has been going very well. But of course it is also nice to speak face-to-face every now and then. We regularly welcome János and his wife to the Netherlands. But this time we decided to turn the tables and visit them in Budapest. We did this for a reason: the two of them have had a son this year! A great opportunity to go for a maternity visit and to take a look at our colleague’s home town.

Tour of Budapest

In two and a half days, János showed us many beautiful places. We visited one of Budapest’s iconic caves, a castle overlooking the entire city and the large, atmospheric Christmas market. During a walking tour we also learned about the city’s history and we did a fun splash tour over the Donau river. And of course there was time to enjoy good food and go out with the whole team.

Team building

We look back on a great and special team building. We got to know Budapest as a nice city and would love to come back! In addition, it was good to have the whole team – including János – together for once. In a few days we became an even closer team than we already were. And of course we take that with us to our daily work at Concreeto!

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Housing immigrant workers with the help of Concreeto

Concreeto provides housing within the strict standards of the SNF seal of approval. We like to make our staff feel “at home” so they enjoy going to work every day. We like to give that same feeling to the environment where they live. Do you notice at any time that this feeling is not there or not enough, please contact us.

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